18 January, 1987

R18 Nuclear Kitchen

R18 Nuclear Kitchen
10x14" designers opaque and watercolour
Personal collection

I worked on this on my lap in the living room, and kept adding things that I saw around the house. There is a mixer with a raven claw for a blade, a stove knob that looks like a raven’s eye, and a cigarette lighter with a beak and an eye.

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05 January, 1987

R17 Man Asleep on Raven Book

R17 Man Asleep on Raven Book
11x14" ink on paper
Corporate collection

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04 January, 1987

R16 Raven through Checkerboard

R16 Raven through Checkerboard
11x14" ink on paper
Corporate collection

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03 January, 1987

R15 Raven and Leaves

R15 Raven and Leaves
11x14" ink on paper
Corporate collection

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