02 June, 1987

R25 Rose Writing

R25 Rose Writing
10x14" designers opaque & watercolour
Corporate collection

May 27, 1987

I'm working on a small watercolour, R25, Rose writing/drawing with Raven. It is in the most muted pastels, grey, flesh and blue. It is lighter than air, made of airy spaces with only a darker underside, just showing. Raven, in this picture, is disappearing, making way for something else.

This picture has no meaning, really. It is just part of that blending-edge, brushed over and fanned outward to become other thoughts and concepts. The shapes will alter; the colours will change. But the artistic intent will always be the same. What a quest my brush is on. What a trail my pen makes. What an illusion my shaded colours give. What a story!

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